Place Names in Dëne Dédlıné Yatıé
Dëne Dédliné Yatıé is a dialect of Chipewyan closest to that spoken by the Tetsǫ́t’ıné…
Scientific Observation
While this web exhibit has focused the bulk of its attention on the narrative of…
Gothic Horror
Cherish Springer, an illustrator specializing in nautical themes and storytelling from Boston, Massachusetts, has focused…
A Discovery of Strangers
Rudy Wiebe won the 1994 Governor General’s Award for the complex and compelling account of…
Dead Reckoning
Dead Reckoning: The Untold Story of the Northwest Passage is a recently published omnibus narrative…
Modern Adventures
Many people over the last two centuries have recreated parts of Franklin’s journey. The Coppermine…
Over the years, residents of the Northwest Territories have reenacted the fateful meeting of Akaitcho…
Franklin’s Fervour
Throughout the first Overland Expedition, Franklin and his fellow officers could be found reading various…
Emperor of the North
Unbeknownst to Franklin, his party set sail in 1819 at the height of the brutal…
The Working Class of Rupert’s Land
Every Canadian child is introduced to voyageur songs at some point in their education. The…
The Rediscovery of the Erebus
On September 2, 2014, Parks Canada announced that it had definitively found one of the…
Contemporaries: Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley, born this day in 1797, was the same age as George Back and…
My instructions, in substance, informed me that the main object of the Expedition was that…
The Prince of Wales
Launched in 1793, the HBC ship Prince of Wales ferried Franklin and his party from…
Founding of Fort Enterprise
On August 20, 1820, at the recommendation of Akaitcho and his fellow hunters, the Franklin…
Franklin’s First Wife
In recent years, the Record Office in Derbyshire, England has been cataloguing a treasure trove…
In the early hours of August 3, 1820, Franklin’s party set out from (Old) Fort…
The Historic Meeting
Two hundred years ago this week, Royal Navy veteran Captain John Franklin arrived at Old…
Sir John
Yellowknife’s École Sir John Franklin High School was originally built in 1958 and currently serves as…