We set out before day, though, in fact, we were all much fitter to remain, from the excessive pain which…
Our feelings on quitting the Fort where we had formerly enjoyed much comfort if not happiness, and, latterly, experienced a…
While this web exhibit has focused the bulk of its attention on the narrative of Franklin’s journey and its geographic…
We subsequently learned from the Copper Indians, that the part at which we had crossed the river was the Congecatha-wha-chaga…
Our first object was to obtain some certain information respecting our future route; and accordingly we received from one of…
The Strong-bows, and Rocky-Mountain Indians, have a tradition in common with the Dog-ribs, that they came originally from the westward,…
Cherish Springer, an illustrator specializing in nautical themes and storytelling from Boston, Massachusetts, has focused on the search for the…