He spoke of this circumstance as a disappointment, indeed, sufficiently severe to himself, to whom his band looked up for the protection of their interests, but without attaching any blame to us. “The world goes badly,” he said, “all are poor; you are poor, the traders appear to be poor, I and my party, are poor likewise; and since the goods have not come in, we cannot have them. I do not regret having supplied you with provisions, for a Copper Indian can never permit white men to suffer from want of food on his lands, without flying to their aid. I trust, however, that we shall, as you say, receive what is due next autumn; and at all events,” he added, in a tone of good-humour, “it is the first time that the white people have been indebted to the Copper Indians.”
…Akaitcho afterwards expressed a strong desire, that we should represent the character of his nation in a favourable light to our countrymen. “I know,” he said, “you write down every occurrence in your books; but probably you have only noticed the bad things we have said and done, and have omitted the good.”
John Franklin
Fort Providence
December 14, 1821